Cottage Garden Party

Episode 49 - A Woman, Chicago, and the We Sow We Grow Summit



We Sow We Grow Summit is a labor of love and community building by Natasha Nichols. You can find her on all of the social media platforms as We Sow We Grow and she can be found by clicking here. Chicago is Blessed to have Natasha building her community and providing food so that others can not just feed their bellies, but also their minds. Thank you for being there and being patient with me. The first book, a collaborative effort with Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine, and I were working on is available for pre-order on Amazon. The Urban Garden: 101 Ways to Grow Food and Beauty In the City is due March 2022. It is a dream come true to say I am an to finish the second book. This is a collaborative project with Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine. We have had an awesome time sharing what we have learned over the years about food and beauty in the City. #wewrotethisbook In the meantime... I want to say THANK YOU for being patient and continuing to follow me: Https://www.cottageinthecou