Delight Your Marriage

316-10 Ways to Rekindle Your Relationship, Part 2



Last week was part 1, and today I'm excited to bring you the last few items to rekindle the romance, intimacy, connection that may have been lost over the years.  Today, I am giving insights on sex, including responsive vs. spontaneous drive and libido. Which I think will help men and women - high or low drive. Seriously, if you know someone struggling in marriage -- these are the episodes to send them.  It's definitely high-level but if they'd follow it -- oh, my -- they'd be in a better place!   Blessings, Belah   PS - If you need help, we're here! Sign up for a Clarity Call (free, but worth $300) to determine how we can help you... PPS - For a limited time (this training is going away soon!) there is a free masterclass for Christian wives: Wife, it would be an awesome Christmas present to him for you to take it!