Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

10 Coaching Secrets for a Successful Business: The 1% Factor with Dr. Shannon Irvine



...and they were abundantly fulfilled and wildly successful in their business and their life.  Do any of you flip to the back of the book and read the ending when beginning a new novel? (I  can just see a few of you smiling now).  Well, I thought I’d go ahead and flip to the back and let you know how the story ends before we dive into secret #2 of the 10 Coaching Secrets for a Successful Business series.  The 10 secrets could not come at a more perfect time as we head into the new year and set new goals for ourselves. Let me tell you, if you are growing your coaching business you need these secrets in order to not only get clients, but keep and transform them into raving fans.  Let’s recap-- coaching secret #1 was all about finding your voice. No more mimicking others. Finding your own voice and operating in that sphere of excellence is what will set you apart from others. How exciting! Coaching secret #2 is your 1% factor.  You’re probably wondering, “what in the world is a 1% factor?” 99% of DNA is identica