Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Finishing the Year Strong: Amber Sandberg: 266



Are you the type to just say "oh well, I will start Jan. 1?" Many times to get to our goals its challenging because we are so disconnected to the "end goal" because it feels so unattainable. Sometimes we need to work backwards when figuring out our goals.  So, I want to encourage you to use this December as part of your 2022 goals vs. wasting it and saying it's the last month of the year, oh well!   I want you to look back at this year and assess who you were and who you want to be?  Look for the wins, even if they are small. When did you show up the way you wanted too, when did you show up your like your future version of yourself?  I want you to look for progress even if it's  just a little bit.  Hear what I have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into your routine" worksheet?  If not, make sure to do so! Head over to and get a copy that teaches you how to easily get back into your routine no matter if you ha