No Barriers

Harnessing Positivity with Jim Kwok



This much is true... no one gets outta here alive.If you had the option of knowing the day you would die and how it would happen, would you want to know?This is Jim.Jim was very much alive when this episode was recorded.Jim was dead 2 months later..Jim has a Stage 4, terminal cancer diagnosis and has ceased all treatment. Two weeks before this episode was recorded he was told he had roughly a month to live.Since his diagnosis, Jim has endured countless rounds of chemo, multiple surgeries and a brief ‘remission’.  He has accepted his fate and has made it his mission to squeeze as much life out of the short time he has left. And along with that, has committed himself to encouraging people to wake the hell up with regards to valuing this one precious life that we each have. To not forget how fleeting and finite it all is. To love those around you and live the best version of your life.We’re grateful to him for that critical reminder that our walk on this planet is brief and that every minute counts. It’s easy to