Power Station

Episode #2 - Marla Bilonick: Our Power Comes From Our Competence



Marla Bilonick, Executive Director, Latino Economic Development Center Marla has mastered policy advocacy at the local level. It starts with providing Latino families with the highest level of support for starting businesses, buying homes, and improving rental housing conditions. LEDC’s success, she says, is a result of a committed staff, who “change people’s lives.” As a result, local municipalities, including DC city government, look to LEDC to inform their policymaking. And advocacy at the national level has become a necessity, given LEDC’s connection to its immigrant constituency, in the current political climate. In the past, Marla explains, our advocacy was about the technical areas of small business and housing programs. Now we have different battles to fight. Find out about LEDC’s upcoming event! www.ledcmetro.org www.facebook.com/ledcmetro/photos…/?type=3&theater