Power Station

Power Station with Janis Bowdler, JPMorgan Chase Foundation



Janis Bowdler's road to the JPMorgan Chase Foundation started with a recognition. Not all neighborhoods, including her own, provide equal opportunities, but they should. As Policy Director at National Council of La Raza, now UnidosUS, Janis worked with member organizations across the country whose zip codes were considered pre-determinants for a lack of access to quality housing, education and jobs. They were champions of their communities, on the front lines with the families they serve in the aftermath of the foreclosure crisis. She brought those groups to meet with their elected leaders on Capital Hill where they explained the problems those families  face and the need for both resources and policy change. As Janis says, their advocacy potential was incredible. They had the data, the stories, the evidence in the thick of the crisis. Now, as President of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, Janis applies her insights, experience and deep knowledge about community economic development to global philanthropy. Janis