Power Station

Power Station with Josh Hoyt, National Partnership for New Americans



In this episode of Power Station, Josh Hoyt explains that the way you make democracy work is by organizing the people who are left out. This is the proposition that guides his leadership of the National Partnership for New Americans, a multi-ethnic and multi-racial organization comprised of the nation’s largest immigrant-serving coalitions, 37 nonprofits in 31 states. These immigrant led organizations serve both traditional hubs of immigration, such as California and New York, and emerging communities in Minnesota, Alabama, Idaho and Nebraska. Those they serve, Latinos, Asians, and Africans, have been marginalized by a lack of public resources, corrosive rhetoric and the politics of fear. But they are powerful organizations that, through the collective power the NPNA, are shaping the immigrant integration sector. Their collective voices are heard through the National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC), a dynamic and singular gathering of those who serve their communities every day and advocate for policy