Hack The Process: Mindful Action On Your Plans

Denise Liebetrau Can Help You Earn What You’re Worth on Hack the Process Podcast



Do you ever wonder what's going on in the minds of the Human Resources folks when you're negotiating your salary? Denise Liebetrau has been on both sides of the HR desk, and she's spent the past several years coaching job candidates about how to recognize their true value and ask for appropriate compensation. In this episode of Hack the Process Denise will tell us why she tells her clients that salary negotiation starts with your first interview, what steps she took as an employee that made it easier for her to transition into independent consulting, and how to read through the detailed requirements in a job description to recognize whether or not you should consider applying. For all the links check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/denise-liebetrau-can-help-you-earn-what-youre-worth-on-hack-the-process-podcast/ Enjoy!