Harvard Public Health

April 25, 2019: There are no 'low-hanging fruits' in science



Noncommunicable diseases—or NCDs—are the leading cause of death around the world. And of those NCDs, chronic cardiometabolic conditions—such as heart disease and diabetes—are particularly deadly. For more than two decades, Gökhan Hotamışlıgil, James Stevens Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism and and director of the Sabri Ülker Center for Nutrient, Genetic and Metabolic Research, has been working to understand the root causes of these diseases—what goes wrong at the cellular and molecular level to make us sick. In this week’s episode we share a wide-ranging conversation with Hotamışlıgil, focusing on the burden of cardiometabolic diseases, the importance of basic scientific research in treating and preventing these conditions, and the unique challenges of running a lab like the Sabri Ülker Center. Full Transcript: hsph.me/ncd-pod