Business Leaders Podcast

How To Sell Your Online Or SaaS Business At Maximum Value With Mark Woodbury



  Most entrepreneurs’ exit strategy is selling their business. But how do you sell your business at the best price? (Mark Woodbury) is the Managing Director at (Raincatcher), helping entrepreneurs buy and sell remarkable companies. Today, he joins Bob Roark to break down the process behind how they help clients get maximum value for their businesses. He shares mistakes to avoid and things to prepare when you’re planning to exit and sell your business. Tune in for valuable insight on how to make your life’s work sellable! --- How To Sell Your Online Or SaaS Business At Maximum Value With Mark Woodbury The big questions are, “How do business owners like us spend our own money, time and effort? How do we grow our business and jump the line that lets us accelerate the delivery of our products and services while being smart about our growth, profits, culture, instilling increased value in our business?” Those are the questions in this epis