Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to get back into your routine: Amber Sandberg: 265



Does this time of year throw you off your routine? It seems like every year starting at Halloween, one little candy turns into 10, turns into the whole bag. The next thing you know you are saying I will deal with this January 1st. I have heard so many moms say this every year, from the holidays to traveling, and let's not forget it starts to get dark and so it's very easy to let up on our routines and goals if we don't pay attention.  By no means am I perfect at this, I see myself slipping at times, letting up, and giving in to the darker colder days, but I have figured out some easy steps to get myself back track when I feel like that is happening. It doesn't have to be difficult, it doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to start taking steps and moving forward. So if you are sitting there thinking you are worried that this will be another year you put your goals to the side till the new year then make sure to listen to this episode. If you feel like you have already started to neglect your routines and