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117 - Blood Sugar Mastery With Danielle Hamilton, FNTP



In today's episode I talk with Danielle Hamilton and she teaches us how to regulate our blood sugar levels and how to get our bodies back into balance. She shares her own powerful story of overcoming PCOS , explains why blood sugar balance is so critical for every organ in our body and defines what insulin resistance means. Dani is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner & Restorative Wellness Practitioner who specializes in blood sugar regulation & digestion. She became interested in blood sugar issues when she learned that Insulin Resistance was at the root of her PCOS. She was able to reverse her PCOS, cystic acne, PMS & weight loss resistance by reversing Insulin Resistance. Her mission is to help others uncover their blood sugar & insulin issues (as most people don't know the early signs), as well as help them optimize digestion for low-carb diets. Dani promotes a holistic approach to reversing Insulin Resistance which goes beyond just changing macros. She is the host of the Unlock