

Creating a consistent daily routine for Social Selling Results is one of the best steps you can take to ensure your success, and yet, oddly, it's a place where huge resistance can come up. We tend to rely on "Spray and Pray" when it comes to those income producing activities that drive our business. Show Notes: Have a mindset routine. You either run the day or the day runs YOU. Mindset First. I do mine first thing in the morning. Then, it's GO or ACTION Time! I know my Peak Performance times and when I am in my Zone of Genius. I focus my best times on SDAs or single daily actions, or a DMO - daily method of operation; those things we need to be doing to move our business forward. Active conversations and passive marketing. Who am I speaking to and what am I putting out in content? Meet People, Share what you do, invite into the experience. My content focus is on my 4 Pillars in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Mindset Messaging Marke