Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

DRwJL – Healthy, Nutritional & Holistic Ways to Improve Your Mind Body & Spirit



November 9, 2021 - My guest today is my good friend Heather Goldberg, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner & Lifestylist. You will love the practical ideas and ways Heather helps us makes sense of what we need to do to keep ourselves healthy, happy and to hopefully keep Alzheimer's at bay. Our goal is always to do what we can to continue to learn, and to watch our weight, so that we increase our odds for safety. We have to put the whole picture together, exercise, nutrition, stress relief, and so forth. One piece we always seem to miss as caregivers is to take care of ourselves. Today we will show you ways to enjoy life, find happiness and contentment, and stop worrying if you are the next person in your family to succumb to the disease. You can play a big role in having a healthy successful life, but you may need a helping hand and here it is. That said, no one can do it for you. So let's get started! If you would like to reach Heather you can find her on Instagram @Heather Goldberg or email her