Hand Of Pod

Episode 21: Maradona goes postal, poor refereeing standards & Arsenal's new man



We had difficulty shutting up this week. A full 45 minutes of actually quite good stuff (if we say so ourselves) was cut, and the podcast still comes in at over an hour. Diego Maradona is the focus of much of the early part, his ongoing wars of words with AFA president Julio Grondona and Argentina manager Sergio Batista the main reasons, and his unlikely alliance with River Plate president Daniel Passarella. The latter leads us on to more dodgy refereeing in the weekend just gone, before we consider the key fixtures in the run-in as the races for the Clausura title and to avoid relegation approach their defining points. You'll find a full diagram of the relevant bits of those tables, and the fixtures to come for each team, on the HOP blog (handofpod.wordpress.com). Oh, and we run the rule over potential new Arsenal man, Vélez's 'Ricky' Alvarez.