Trailer Life Podcast

TL35 - Trailer Life Theatre



It's been two years since my arrival here at what Annie has dubbed "The Vortex" and I seem to be moving in place. Going nowhere fast. My original intent was maybe based on my dismal outlook on things, I had decided to stay for an undetermined period and pour my money and time into fixing up this rotting husk of a trailer. In the last six weeks I have given serious thought to my situation. Friends have made an effort to get through to me, trying to raise my spirits and at the same time enlighten me as to the reality of where I stand. My friends say the things that are expected of them, like a routine that has been rehearsed many times over. I respond in like, always giving assurances that I appreciate what they are saying and that I will think about things. Then, as per the unwritten script, nothing changes.Enter Annie - she also knows her lines and is a supporting role in my theatre of life. But Annie doesn't follow the script.. She pushes me and when I respond with my worn out lines that have always worked i