Trailer Life Podcast

Fragments: Episode One [Gypsy] Repost



The year was 1988. I was 25 years old and homeless by choice. Living in a tent near some percolation ponds, my only companion was a dog named Gypsy that I had adopted from the pound. Each day was a struggle to get through. Overall I was unhappy with myself and the world I had been cast into. Gypsy made things seem better and things went as well as they could until one day she was abducted...In each episode of Fragments I will reveal a bit more of my personal history as I take you for a short trip into my past. Join me as I pick an event, tragedy, crisis or triumph and relate the story to you as it took place from my perspective at the time.This mini-series is intended to compliment the Confessions saga and fill in the gaps by detailing the more important points in my life. Each of these stories is a dramatization of the actual events that took place, produced in audio book fashion as I tell the tale.