Audiomission From Cms

Mission is … not just ‘helping people’ - Audiomission Oct 2017



This autumn sees us profiling the results of our giant listening exercise to find out what people think about mission. Thank you if you were one of more than 2,000 people who completed our survey, online or at festivals this summer. You can see more about the results by going to the Mission Is tab at In the coming months we will be busting some myths about mission based on what we have found out. One we tackle this month, is that mission is basically about helping people. We meet mission partners working in Asia and Latin America, who very obviously do mission that is helping people, but on reflection, what makes it distinctive, what really matters – is something else. First we go to Brazil, where Andy and Rose Roberts lead Revive – an NGO caring for girls who have suffered various kinds of abuse. Andy shared with Jeremy Woodham what got Revive started, the difference it makes – and what makes it different. Then we move to Pakistan, and meet a mission partner who is serving the p