Audiomission From Cms

Asia Human Trafficking Interview



Presenting a special interview with a mission partner couple working to prevent human trafficking in Asia. Due to the sensitive nature of their work in human trafficking prevention, we need to keep this couple’s identity anonymous. However, though you may not know their names, their call to end the exploitation of vulnerable people comes through clearly. Reflection questions for groups If you are listening with your small group, you may like to reflect on some of these questions together: 1. What was the one thing that most struck you when you were listening? 2. What phrase or thought found an echo in your own experience or spiritual journey? 3. Were there any common threads that linked the mission work of the people you’ve listened to and the needs of your local area? 4. Does what you’ve heard inspire you to do anything in particular in response? 5. What one prayer need will you commit to carry with you over the coming month and regularly pray for?