Ipo Hardball! With Francis Gaskins

Forget Private Equity Here Come the IPOs - BGS, CLNE, GLRE, HLCS, RRR, SIRT, LIMS



This week Mr Gaskins provides analysis of a solid group of IPOs. Each analysis provides his grade and rank. Be sure to visit the IPO Desktop website for details and become a member. First on deack is B&G Foods (BGS) a company in the shelf-stable food products business: Gade C+ and rank 7. Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE) is developing technology for natural gas & alternative fuel for vehicles: C+, 7. Greenlight Capital (GLRE) provides property & casualty reinsurance: C+, 7. Helicos BioSci (HLCS) creates genetic analysis technologies: C, 6RSC Holdings (RRR) is in the equipment rental business: C+, 7. Rounding out the list are a pair of companies that provide labratory information managment systems: Sirtris Pharma (SIRT) C, 6. and STARLIMS (LIMS) C+, 7Mr Gaskins aslo provides a brief update on last week's IPOs (CLR) (CSUN) (COMV) (EURX) (TTGT) (TRS)