Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 469: Kim Iskyan: Little known ways to succeed overseas



Welcome back to another episode of Wall Street Unplugged! Today's guest is Kim Iskyan - global investment expert and founder of TrueWealth Publishing. Kim is the definition of a world traveler. His boots-on-the-ground approach is unique. He's visited over 100 countries and has experience working on several stock exchanges. His new focus? Asia. Kim does not only provide listeners with information - he delivers insight. Most investors are afraid to invest in oversea markets... Debt levels are increasing, real-estate bubbles are looming, and thanks to Trump, trade barriers are now strengthening. But more importantly, investors rarely hear the real story behind these markets - until now. And as Kim highlights, there is still plenty of room for growth. Tune in as Kim shows us how the individual investor can conquer the emerging markets - safely. These are opportunities you won't hear anywhere else. Also, don't miss out on this week's Educational Segment. Several sectors are poised for big changes due to the upcomi