Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 569: Jordan Trimble: Uranium is finally taking off



For uranium investors, the long wait for a rebound may finally be over… Welcome back to another episode of Wall Street Unplugged. Since Japan’s Fukushima disaster in 2011, uranium producers have battled one of the worst bear markets in the commodity’s history. Amid tough market conditions, uranium has been the only commodity where not a single mine can turn a significant profit. But in a major development announced just last week, producers have finally responded in a BIG way – pushing prices higher for the first time in years. On today’s episode, uranium expert and CEO of Skyharbour Resources, Jordan Trimble, breaks down the magnitude of this announcement – and what it means for the entire uranium market going forward… He also catches listeners up to date on Skyharbour Resources – one of the few remaining uranium exploration companies in the world. If you’re sitting on uranium stocks… or interested in what could be an enormous opportunity for gains in this sector… I suggest listening to this episode right aw