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Why we must heed Apple’s major coronavirus warning (Ep. 709)



No one is immune from the coronavirus—not even the mighty Apple. The tech behemoth made headlines yesterday as it announced it would not be able to meet the second quarter revenue guidance it gave on January 28, due to the the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. I’ve been warning about the possible economic effects of this virus for weeks… and Apple’s latest announcement proves it—the markets cannot ignore the coronavirus forever [49:22]. But first, Scot Cohen, hedge fund manager and executive chairman of Wrap Technologies, shares the incredible story behind the company... and an in-depth update on this growth name [17:26]. -------------------------------- Enjoyed this episode? Get Wall Street Unplugged delivered FREE to your inbox every Wednesday: https://www.curzioresearch.com/wall-street-unplugged/ -------------------------------- Wall Street Unplugged podcast is available at: --: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-unplugged-frank/ -- : https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/curzio-research/wall-str