Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 49: Correspondence to a Different Address for a Supplemental Examination Proceeding



Question: How can a patent owner get the Office to send correspondence to a different address for the supplemental examination proceeding? Answer: If the patent owner desires the Office to send correspondence to a different address, then a new power of attorney must be filed in the patent for which supplemental examination is requested and in the supplemental examination proceeding, or in the resulting ex parte reexamination proceeding, if ordered. Chapter Details: The answer to this question can be found in chapter 2800 of the MPEP. This chapter covers Supplemental Examination. The answer is from the 9th Edition, Revision 07.2015. Depending… The post MPEP Q & A 49: Correspondence to a Different Address for a Supplemental Examination Proceeding appeared first on Patent Education Series.