Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 92: Statutory Requirements to be Met Before Certificate of Correction for an Applicant’s Mistake to Issue



Question: What are the two statutory requirements that must be met before a Certificate of Correction for an applicant’s mistake to issue? Answer: Two separate statutory requirements must be met before a Certificate of Correction for an applicant’s mistake may issue. The first statutory requirement concerns the nature, i.e., type, of the mistake for which a correction is sought. The mistake must be: of a clerical nature, of a typographical nature, or a mistake of minor character. The second statutory requirement concerns the nature of the proposed correction. The correction must not involve changes which would: constitute new matter or… The post MPEP Q & A 92: Statutory Requirements to be Met Before Certificate of Correction for an Applicant’s Mistake to Issue appeared first on Patent Education Series.