Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 107: Times When Explicit Petitions for Foreign Filing Licenses May Be Considered by Applicants



Question: Name two times when an applicant may want to consider an explicit petition for foreign filing licenses. Answer: Explicit petitions for foreign filing licenses may be considered by applicants when: the filing receipt license is not granted; the filing receipt has not yet been issued; there is no corresponding U.S. application; subject matter additional to that already licensed is sought to be licensed; or expedited handling is requested. Chapter Details: The answer to this question can be found in chapter 100 of the MPEP. This chapter covers Secrecy, Access, National Security, and Foreign Filing. The answer is from the… The post MPEP Q & A 107: Times When Explicit Petitions for Foreign Filing Licenses May Be Considered by Applicants appeared first on Patent Education Series.