Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 138: When May a Process and Apparatus for its Practice be Shown to be Distinct Inventions?



Question: When may a process and apparatus for its practice be shown to be distinct inventions? Answer: Process and apparatus for its practice can be shown to be distinct inventions, if either or both of the following can be shown: (A) that the process as claimed can be practiced by another materially different apparatus or by hand; or (B) that the apparatus as claimed can be used to practice another materially different process. Chapter Details: The answer to this question can be found in chapter 800 of the MPEP. This chapter covers Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111;… The post MPEP Q & A 138: When May a Process and Apparatus for its Practice be Shown to be Distinct Inventions? appeared first on Patent Education Series.