Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 141: Issues That Must be Completed During the Examination Before an Interference May be Called



Question: What are the three major issues that must be completed during the examination before an interference may be called? Answer: The three major issues that must be completed during the examination are: All pending claims must be allowed, finally rejected, or canceled All petitions must be decided All appeals from a final rejection must be completed Chapter Details: The answer to this question can be found in chapter 2300 of the MPEP. This chapter covers Interference Proceedings. The answer is from the 9th Edition, Revision 07.2015. Depending on future changes to the MPEP, the question and answer may or… The post MPEP Q & A 141: Issues That Must be Completed During the Examination Before an Interference May be Called appeared first on Patent Education Series.