Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 236: Who is the applicant for a patent?



Question: Who is the applicant for a patent? Answer: The applicant for patent is all parties identified as the applicant under 37 CFR 1.42(a). Where the applicant is all of the joint inventors under 37 CFR 1.45, one or more of the joint inventor-applicants may be appointed to represent on behalf of all of the joint inventor-applicants. The power of attorney must be signed by parties identified as the applicant in order to be effective. Chapter Details: The answer to this question can be found in chapter 400 of the MPEP. This chapter covers the Representative of the Applicant or Owner. The… The post MPEP Q & A 236: Who is the applicant for a patent? appeared first on Patent Education Series.