Dihard Podcast

166: Funcomfortable Tour Wilbur



Show Notes: Go to http://funcomfortabletour.com/ for tickets and location.  You will have an amazing time!  I talk about the two shows at the Wilbur.  Matt Mira opened for him.  He is getting amazing.  He's always  been funny now he's has such a wonderful stage presence.  The audiences were interesting.  The first show audience was awesome.  The second show audience was drunk. I got to talk to the guys after the show.  Chris made me one happy -Di. #HardwickOnXFiles2015 Music by the University of Rhode Island Ram Marching Band under the direction of Dr. Brian Cardany. If you like this episode, here are some options to support the pod! Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or leave a review!: http://itunes.dihard.info Subscribe to the Podcast FeedBurner: http://subscribe.dihard.info Subscribe to the Podcast On Stitcher! : http://stitcher.com/s?fid=31998&refid=stpr Consider a monthly subscription to the podcast https://www.patreon.com/dihard I love you guys! Remember, have an EXCELLENT!