Lifes A Bach

S7 Ep 4 Tall Man in a Hot Air Balloon



Jill and Hill gave Mal the week off, and as always her presence was sorely missed. To make up for it, there is a clicking noise that Jill doesn't notice until about 20 minutes in and then doesn't address for another 5. After editing the episode she realizes it was happening for.... pretty much the whole show up to that point. Believe it or not, about half of the clicks were successfully removed, so you're welcome! They also throw in an entirely new segment with no context or introduction! But that's kinda the whole point. It's called "Can I steal you for a sec?" and features a special guest! As far as anyone can remember, 3 people got sent home this episode but 4 people were added to the cast. Once again we end without a rose ceremony and no one can keep track of really anything that's happening. Jill snacks on Sbux and Hill enjoys a mocktail to wash down her delish pesto pasta din din. Recipes as always (eventually) at