Lifes A Bach

S7 Ep 9 Tillamook: Rhymes with Book



As usual Hillary is the only person worth a dang on this production team and manages to walk Mal and Jill through the important pieces of the Women Tell All as well as the Semi-Finals aka the Fantasy Suites. Just to get this out of the way, Hillary snacked on leftover asparagus, mushroom and artichoke risotto. Mal had a blueberry muffin, Indica Nut-Balls (lol nut-balls amirite?) and coffee with a lil Baileys. Jill had the wrong brand of string cheese and a satsuma! Thought we should start with that since you can hear Hillary feasting but no mention of snacks is made at any point during the episode. We've only been doing this for three years! Anyway the title of this episode was going to be Tillamook: Rhymes with Palahniuk kind of and then Jill looked it up and learned that Chuck Palahniuk pronounce his own last name as "Paula-Nick" so daggum it all to heck anyhow.  Dat Recipe Blog - Dat Email Addy - Dat Insta Handle - @snackmondays