Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 14: Learn why size never matters, with Tony Parinello.



Tony Parinello created his own brand of sales training called Selling to VITO™, the Very Important Top Officer in 1995. Today, he is trusted by the majority of Fortune 1,000 and over 2.5 million sales people in more than 30 countries to help them create bigger deals in less time.   Secret -- timesaving technique Start your day doing something you love to do, identify a time during the day when you can do your best work, and get the hardest task out of the way first. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success Tony tries to develop an unshakeable belief that is derived from identifying a single purpose. Could have ruined your business -- but now --  an invaluable learning experience Tony was ready to release an audio album, but failed to deliver a pitch to a notable producer -- and Tony tells the whole story here. Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful “A business owner has to be able to look at the end result and make it a priority before everything else.” Most influ