Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 136: There's no substitute to doing the work, with Scott McKain.



Scott McKain’s keynote presentations benefit from three decades of experience, combined with his innate talent for articulating successful ideas. McKain has spoken before and consulted for the world’s best companies. What do you do in the first 60 minutes of your day? Scott begins his day with stretching -- your body and mind both need warm ups in the morning. ONWARD! Favorite quote or lesson? "That which is easy to do is also easy not do -- which is why most people won't do it." - Jim Rohn How do you define success? It's the progressive realization of a worthy goal -- Scott learned this lesson from the late Earl Nightingale. What strategy do you use to combat fear? Scott looks at every decision as a trade -- and Scott tells the reasons why here. What makes as "A player" an "A player"? An "A player" has to be willing to do the work, is open to change, and has a sense of purpose.   Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”  How can we become better mentors? Walk the talk -- people know whether or n