Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 143: Are you making a difference?, with Marty Wolff.



Marty Wolff is an entrepreneur, business coach and business journalist. He's the President of Marty Wolff Business Solutions. What do you do in the first 60 minutes of your day? Marty starts every morning out with prayer/Bible study, exercise, healthy eating, and then goes into email and social media -- clear your slate of necessary communication to have the time to do the important things. ONWARD! Favorite quote or lesson? "Make a mistake of aggression, not of omission." How do you define success? Success is making a difference -- in an individual's life, in a group that you're working with, in someone you're coaching, or in your family's life. What strategy do you use to combat fear? Marty believes you have to feel worthy of success -- and Marty tells the reasons why here. What makes as "A player" an "A player"? An "A player" is a good team member -- the most unique skill set is caring.   Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success” How can we become better mentors? Model the behavior you expect of