Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 240: You need MSI — “Multiple Streams of Income”, with Mikki Williams.



Mikki Williams is a CSP, certified speaking professional, a member of the prestigious Hall of Fame and a TEDx speaker. She was chosen as one of the best speakers in the country by Meetings and Convention Magazine along with Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, Lou Holtz, Zig Ziglar and Jay Leno. Mikki is an award winning Vistage speaker, the world's leading executive organization and also Chairs two of their peer advisory boards. If that's not enough, this busy entrepreneur runs Speakers Schools, The Mikki Mouth Club, Keynote Kamp, Outrageous Orators and is an in-demand speech coach. She has spoken in every US state, every Canadian province and every continent except Antarctica,where she can't wear her stilettos. Secret – timesaving technique Mikki still uses a paper calendar -- do what you need to do to keep yourself organized. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success Don't do things you don't want to do -- Mikki works hard to structure her life so that she a great work-life balance. Could have ruined your busin