Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 258: Trust your instincts, with Wendy Keller.



Wendy Keller is an award-winning former journalist, a respected literary agent, an author, speaker and acclaimed book marketing consultant. She got her first job as a newspaper reporter as a 16-year-old college freshman. Since then, Wendy worked for PR Newswire; the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain; as managing editor of Dateline magazine. Favorite quote or lesson? Stay in the present moment -- and -- look at the situation from the other person's perspective. How do you define success? Success is freedom -- Wendy craves the ability to set her own tasks.   Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”  How can we become better mentors? Ask questions Listen for the answers Trust your instincts How can we build an audience? Build a Facebook public figure page Utilize "giver's gain" -- write an eBook, create an MP3, create an instructional video, etc. How best to connect with Wendy: Book: "Ultimate Guide to Platform Building" Business website: www.kellermedia.com/ Email: help@kellermedia.com