Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 299: 9 keys to sustainable business success, with Lynne Lavers.



Lynne Lavers is a Natural Health Practitioner and an expert in the field since 1987. She holds several degrees including a bachelor’s in biology, master’s in holistic nutrition, doctorate in naturopathy, and is currently pursuing her doctorate in integrated medicine. Lynne and her team provide consultations for maintaining health and wellness as well as help with disease and health challenges. One of Lynne's passions is working with individuals and their families who have been diagnosed with cancer. Lynne is also the owner of a private family practice in Nashville where she works with individuals of all ages from birth to the elderly and everyone in between — and — is in the process of expanding her practice to include a clinic in Venice, Florida. Secret – timesaving technique Lynne sets aside 30-40 minutes of quiet time before she does anything else -- prepare yourself to start your day. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success Plan tomorrow before tomorrow begins -- Lynne plans out 60% of her schedul