Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 357: Choose honey over vinegar, with Dr. Marcie Beigel.



Dr. Marcie Beigel has been redesigning behavior for professionals, families, schools, and businesses for over 15 years. Her specialty is engaging with behaviors directly and giving clear and insightful directives to clients ­­ who are oftentimes ­­ business owners looking for balance at home to help create balance at work or new approaches to become better leaders. Her approach is heartfelt, but filled with tough love. You can get her weekly behavior newsletter at BehaviorAndBeyond.net. Dr. Marcie is also featured on NBC's Parenting Toolkit. Why did you write your book? Dr. Marcie had people come up to her for years asking for her to write a book -- and she talked to people that read books like the one she would be writing so that she would have content that would connect with her readers and not just content that she would enjoy. What have been the big benefits of the book? Writing a book will get people to take you more seriously -- and Dr. Marcie has found that people are more willing to dive in deep with