Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 516: 16-years old and changing the game, with Jesse Kay.



Jesse Kay is a 16-year-old junior in high school and the host of the 20 Under 20s Podcast where he interviews successful entrepreneurs in their 20s or younger from around the globe. Jesse’s obsessed with sharing practical lessons and stories from some of the best minds on the planet to help inspire young men and women to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. Jesse was born into an entrepreneurial family and started his first business at 9-years old flipping sneakers on eBay. Jesse also plays tennis for his high school tennis team and will be applying to colleges next fall. What you’ll learn about in this episode The importance of giving rather than taking in business relationships Jesse’s passion for inspiring and educating the next generation of entrepreneurs How you can build a network without any contacts Habits that Jesse attributes to his success How overbooking can lower your value Why communication and persistence are critical skills How Jesse uses Attention Deficit Disorder to his advantage Why the best t