Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 609: 44 surprising ways, with Aaron Hendon



Aaron Hendon is one of the top real estate agents in Seattle, Washington. He and his team bring together a diverse background and history, including transformational leadership, entrepreneurial start-ups, and consistently outperforming the local market, selling homes for over 5 percent more than the local market average. He founded a New York bagel shop in 1989 and 9 years later — sold it with a gross revenue of over $1 million annually. Aaron is currently at work on his next book entitled, “Short Changed by Short Cuts: 44 Surprising Ways People Rip Themselves Off When Buying or Selling Their Home.” What you’ll learn about in this episode Hiring the right people that will assist in making sound business decisions The importance of creating a system of accountability The value of reading and learning about the Profit First System Why Aaron wrote his latest book, “Short Changed by Short Cuts” One way people short change themselves when buying or selling their home Why consistency is a critical skill to master