Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 651: From disliked to most beloved, with Tommy Breedlove



Tommy Breedlove is the founder of Choose Goodness, a company dedicated to helping executives and entrepreneurs focus beyond the financial bottom line. By empowering leaders, Tommy bridges the gap between humanity and profitably. He transforms organizations to attract and retain the best and brightest people, create a loyal customer base and promote goodwill within their communities. Choose Goodness provides both the rational and emotional perspectives to the strategic and financial decision making process. What you’ll learn about in this episode: The importance of living by your value system and having a purpose in life How making conscious and courageous choices to invest in yourself can change your life Why you shouldn’t live in a state of fear or scarcity Asking yourself the question, “Did I choose goodness for myself today?” Being present in the moment, no matter who you are talking to The many different masks that we wear to cover up things in our lives Serving yourself before you serve others Why you s