Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 659: Monetizing Your Content, with Stephen Woessner



Monetizing Your Content, with Stephen Woessner Good Morning Onward Nation – I’m Stephen Woessner and my hope for you is that 2018 has started off with renewed momentum and velocity in your business. And that you have been able to take time to invest in planning and getting clear on what you most want to accomplish in 2018 – your most vital priorities. The days between Christmas and New Year's are my favorite of the year because of the opportunities to spend time with family and friends, to truly unplug, to think, to pray, and to journal. And this year...I was able to get the time and space that I needed to think deeply and work through my vision for Predictive ROI in 2018. How we are going to grow our team...where we are going to invest our time, talent, and resources...and my Predictive ROI leadership team and I even identified several bold, new initiatives that we will tackle in 2018. We also zeroed in on how we will add greater value to the clients we have the honor of serving each day at Predictive ROI. I