Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 752: How to identify your point-of-view, with Drew McLellan



You may have heard me recently talking about point-of-view (POV) — why it is so important — and what can happen to a business if the owner doesn’t get serious about defining it — and building a strategy around it. Without a clearly defined POV, you will not be able to attract or retain the clients and prospects you want — and your biz dev strategy will suffer as a result. But...if you and your team do the hard work to gain clarity around your POV...why you do what you do...who you do it for...and for whom you don’t do it for...you will be able to attract the clients and prospects to your business who are exactly aligned with the sweet spot of your business. Originally, I considered making today’s episode a solocast -- where it would be just you and me exploring a topic without a guest. But — I changed my mind because I wanted you to have the benefit of getting some additional perspectives on this very critical topic...and I wanted you to get the perspectives from someone who has a real depth of knowledge not