Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 769: Why we launched an Alexa Flash Briefing, with Stephen Woessner



Good Morning...I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI and your host for Onward Nation. Before we dive into today’s episode — which is going to be a solocast where it’ll be just you and me spending some time together exploring a topic that my team and I have been watching very closely — I want to make sure you’ve heard about our new Alexa Flash Briefing that we launched yesterday...and how you can get free access to the daily content. You can activate it with a simple voice command to your Amazon Echo device by saying…“Alexa, enable the Onward Nation Flash Briefing” and you will be all set to receive our daily, short, business building tips and strategies anytime you ask Alexa for your Flash Briefing. Please give it a try and let me know what you think — thumbs up or thumbs down. Your feedback helps us get better each and every day. And if you’re asking yourself, “What the heck is an Alexa Flash Briefing?”... during our time together in this solocast...I’m going to share the ins and outs to Alexa Skills a