Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 779: How to win at relationships, with Mike Compton



Mike Compton is the co-founder and executive producer of Three Chairs Productions, a video production and marketing company that specializes in broadcast, online, and digital content serving a variety of regional and national clients. They help with the production of a client’s content, as well as manage, measure, and optimize video to drive greater results. Mike is passionate about producing strong creative videos that are engaging, stimulating, and empowering. What you'll learn about in this episode: Why you need to build a culture — not just a brand Creating lists to help you stay focused on your most vital priorities Why you should start with small goals and build up from there The importance of nurturing the relationships that mean the most to you Staying focused on your goals at all times and keeping moving forward An important lesson that Mike learned about growing your business by doing the right thing Why building a strong network is critical for success today The value that comes from surrounding y