Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 803: How to persuade with a story, with Henry DeVries



Our special encore guest today is Henry DeVries. Henry is a book publisher, bestselling author, Forbes.com columnist, and professional speaker. He is an expert on helping people close more sales by teaching them how to persuade with stories on how they took a client from mess to success. In 2014, he founded Indie Books International, the marketing with a book and speech company. Now...you may remember Henry and the wisdom he shared during Episode 433. If you haven’t listened to, studied, and applied all he shared during our first interview...I highly encourage you to add Episode 433 to your list of vital priorities. What you'll learn about in this episode: How powerful it can be when you get the story right The three characters that you have to put into a story Why people remember stories — not lectures Why it’s getting tougher and tougher to get really good people to join your company What to do if you want employees to follow core values How it all comes back to business and storytelling The #1 marketing t