Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 823: How did they make it?, with Fernando Schiantarelli



Fernando Schiantarelli is an entrepreneur, TV and radio producer and creator of “Cómo Lo Hizo”, which translates to “How did they make it?” — a podcast that focuses on helping Latino entrepreneurs in co-production with iHeart Radio in Los Angeles. What you’ll learn about in this episode: Inspiring stories of creative entrepreneurs who immigrated to other countries and were able to build successful businesses out of pure innovation and hard work Two of the most important qualities for an entrepreneur are humility and resilience Humility is required, because it’s important to understand your place in the market, how to properly approach new contacts, and where you need to go to succeed, keeping everything grounded in reality Resilience is important because there will always be naysayers who try to discourage entrepreneurs from pursuing specific goals or who are sure that an idea is doomed to failure – people you have to press past However, passion can only get you so far, and it’s important to not mistake resi