Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 830: Why choose people over profits, with Justin Copie



Our special encore guest today is Justin Copie. Justin is the CEO of Innovative Solutions and is leading a bold move forward — instilling growth in employees and inspiring change well beyond the four walls of Innovative. Yes…the 80 people working at Innovative don’t work for him — he works for them. As CEO and leader, Justin provides safety and direction, safety in voicing opinions, trying new things, failing, and direction in where to go on the path to success. Now…you may remember Justin and the wisdom he shared during Episode 584 of Onward Nation. If you haven’t listened to, studied, and applied all he shared during his previous interview…I highly encourage you to add Episode 584 to your list of vital priorities. What you’ll learn about in this episode: How Justin, as CEO, works for his employees, rather than the other way around, and what he does to create a positive working environment Principles for success Justin follows himself and teaches to his employees The way Justin navigated the most challengin